【 zero 】相對零度 – Ancajaier Solo Exhibition / 章潔攝影個展
curator: Jiouhe 玖禾公關 (VISION Curating X YBR)
展期:4月15日(五) – 4月17日(日),每日 10:00 – 21:00
地點:濕地 venue 3F & 5F 展場
地址:臺北市中山區林森北路 107 巷 10 號
章潔 x 知名部落客 [艾兒莎] 對談講座
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章潔,出⽣臺北,現居紐約的藝術攝影師,曾獲多個國際攝影獎殊榮,在 2015 年更獲選美國 IPPAwards 的年度攝影師,作品因⽽登上紐約TIMES、法國CNN、英國每⽇通訊報等國際
媒體。2014 年在美國藝術學院取得攝影碩⼠學位,任職過紐約知名藝術家 Kahn & Selesnick 攝影助理,目前在邁入70年歷史的攝影團體 ”瑪格蘭攝影通訊社” Magnum Photos 紐約辦事處⼯作。
Artist Bio:
Yvonne Lu is a Taiwanese artist based in New York City. Born in 1986 and later graduated with MFA in photography, she began working as a fine art artist, photographer and writer. She currently working as a freelance assistant for Magnum Photos, at the same time she is also a blogger in Asia for her art and writing. Through her career in photography, she had received many awards such as International Photography Awards (USA), IPPAwards (USA), Nikon Photography Award (Japan) and Prix de la Photographic Paris (France). Her works also made appearance in many publications such as TIME magazine, CNN and other publications in the United States, France, China, Taiwan, Korea, Russia and Canada.
藝術家個人網站 website – /www.ancajaier.com/