[ you stay here ] photography & poetry book exhibiton / 攝影詩集展
KD Sun & Misi Ke
[ you stay here ]
攝影詩集展覧,是 KD Sun、Misi Ke 兩人第一次合作及第一次公開展覽。
[ you stay here. ]
Exhibits photographs and poetry representing KD Sun and Misi Ke’s first collaboration and first public gallery.
Sometimes the feeling of being left behind isn’t caused by the physical aspect of someone leaving your side. Sometimes the feeling can come from not knowing who you are / who you are expected to be. And these expectations are formed in a malleable mind based on what society deems is correct. But maybe what is correct for them cannot be correct for you. The inability to fit in, the inability to change and adapt according to those guidelines will box you in. And even if you were to escape that proverbial box, your surroundings change so fast that you wouldn’t even recognize it. To you, everyone seems to fit in seamlessly. To you, your progression always seems to be blocked by an unseen force. Unable to progress and even unable to simply blindly follow will just leave you further and further behind. You might as well just stay here.
展期:8月20日(六) – 8月28日(日),每日 11:00 – 21:00
地點:濕地 venue 5F 展場
地址:臺北市中山區林森北路 107 巷 10 號
門票:$30NT(一次性使用,於 5F 展場現場付錢剪票)